

Getting started

Connecting your first machine

Estimated time: 10 minutes

  1. Sign in to your Expanos account.
  2. Follow the setup guide in your dashboard to generate the configuration file for your cluster. You will receive a Terraform script that will spin up a lightweight WireGuard endpoint to encrypt/decrypt traffic.
  3. Use the admin console to request a new machine. This will automatically provision a pre-configured machine ready to be securely connected to your cluster.

Connecting additional machines

Estimated time: 1 minute

  1. Simply request additional machines using the admin console.
  2. Ensure your cluster is configured to recognize the new machine as part of your EKS setup.

Moving a service to Expanos

Estimated time: 5 minute

By default, we configured Expanos so that your Kubernetes does not automatically move workloads there. You need to allow each service explicitly the option to use Expanos. This allows you for greater control over your workload placement.

In order to enable Expanos for a service, you will need to update the service's configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
        - weight: 100
              - key:
                operator: In
                - expanos-arctic-fox-031
  - name: etl-pipeline-container